"Next step of social life learning through English"
Tasks and responsibilities among partners depend on their experiences and competences
First primary school ''St. St. Cyril and Methodius", Bulgaria
Audio visual cooking dictionary – with photos, meaning and pronunciation of cooking words. This dictionary will be with definition of each word given in English language. It will be aimed at providing quick access for 11-14 learners. Audio visual dictionary will contain cooking verbs from English classes and project extracurricular activities.
Eternal mosaic of natural materials with symbols from all partner countries which will be complemented during each transnational visit, called "Cultural boomerang".
Survey impact of Erasmus school partnerships on teachers and pupils in the project. The study will be designed as a questionnaire survey among teachers and pupils after each mobility. The major purpose of the study will be to provide valuable insights into the impacts the project on participating teachers and pupils.
Základní škola a MateÅ™ská škola, Olomouc, the Czech Republic
Last year that institution was awarded by „The Seal of Comenius Quality 2014“ for the best multilateral project in the Czech Republic. The school is also involved in several national project so their professional experience will be transmitted to European partners. From this project we have common expected matters, which are practical individual pedagogical outputs, that are reflected on innovation of current didactic methods and teaching forms, creation of new teaching aids and materials. This partner has some extracurricular activities after school clubs working at the school so, they will rich partners 'pedagogical resources for English learning through extracurricular activities.
It will be responsible for organizing souvenirs production and presentation and display of students' items and their donation for charity.
The coordinator has successfully coordinated 3 Comenius projects and also experienced with in-service training projects and project preparation, management, application and follow –ups as coordinator. That’s why his professional experience as English teacher and project coordinator will be necessity to manage a successful and useful international project. One of the Aims of Turkish school is to feel better that disadvantages students among the non-disadvantaged students and to give them better and equal opportunities for their future career by using the school’s abilities.
That’s why its responsibility will be to collect information about using methods and conditions for personalized teaching and learning for disadvantages pupils and together to create presentation called "The Role of English learning in disadvantaged pupils".
Ins Can Margarit, Spain
Spanish school's aims and the priorities of “Next step of social life learning through English” are to improve the language skills, leadership skills and cultural understanding of pupils from different countries. Its participation will contribute to renovate educational traditions, standards and approaches to pupils, it will enrich our practice with different methods and tools in English classes and extracurricular activities. The teacher in charge of this project has extensive experience in international relationships. She has been trained in English-speaking countries and works with students the linguistic and the artistic side of the English language.
Her task will be presented Drama methods in English language teaching and learning. She will collect all Drama plays and their presentations in a DVD product at the end of the project.
Rudaminos Ferdinando Ruscico gimnazija, Lithuania
We connected with Rudaminos Ferdinando Ruscico gimnazija because their specific aims of education are the same as the common project. Scope of their work is to encourage to grow and develop students interest in learning foreign languages, healthy lifestyle. Specific social context- cultural differences, children's social and group relationship, parental involvement in children's school learning, children's healthy way of life. They are ready to share with partners lots of cultural achievements, the success of Folk dance -'Zgoda', which participated in international festivals.
That’s why it will collect information about traditional culture of our countries and it will also be responsible for DVD production with all cultural activities.
Project partners