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Ins Can Margarit,

 Corbera de Llobregat, Spain




Ins Can Margarit,

 Corbera de Lobregat, Spain


  The school has been open since 2008. It is a public school located in a privileged area, in Corbera de Llobregat (around 14,000 inhabitants), all of it surrounded by nature, 20km far away from Barcelona. They currently have 280 students on roll aged between 12 and 16 years. The curriculum that they have is the one established by the Government of Catalonia, but adapted to their needs. The school has recently obtained a scholarship Erasmus + KA1 aimed at developing drama activities ("Drama Rocks"). In this project, one teacher has been trained in drama in England and another has been trained in drama and broadcasting in France. The two formations pretended to be applied in language classroom. The project "Drama rocks" was part of the project in Foreign Languages that our Foreign Languages Department is carrying out in the Secondary School.
  The main objectives of "Drama rocks" were: the students can practice oral English and they can be competent in oral skills. They wanted to work the oral language in an entertaining and attractive way for the students. How? Through theatre students will be able to practice the language in "real" situations. With drama activities they make students more competent and also, they promote  project among other institutions and that other entities can benefit as well. Among these entities they have the primary schools in the city. In the end of the school year, primary schools in the city will be invited to see the play that students in 4th year do. A part from that, students in 4th year will prepare a pre-activity for the primary students. They will be "English teachers" for a day.











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