"Next step of social life learning through English"
Pedagogical report
Pedagogical report “Next step of social life learning through English” contents adopted methods and innovative practices in English lessons and extracurricular activities for disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils
Cooking electronic book
Audio visual cooking dictionary – with photos, meaning and pronunciation of cooking words. It contains recipes from partner countries.
Souvenirs creating
Exhibitions of students handmade souvenirs, presentations and dissemination work, donation to charity organisations.
The Role of English learning in disadvantaged pupils
Good practices about using
methods and conditions for personalized teaching and learning of disadvantaged
Culture and traditions
Partner countries culture and traditions
Drama plays
Electronic collection of drama plays
Teachers questionnaire
Survey impact on participating teachers from Learning, teaching, training activities in partner countries
Teachers survey impact
Survey impact on participating teachers from Learning, teaching, training countries in partner countries.
Students English test results
Students English Test results from enter, progress and final English test.
Students survey impact
Survey impact on participating students.
Healthy food
Healthy food survey impact on participating students.
Cutural boomerang
Eternal mosaic of natural materials with symbols from all partner countries called "Cultural boomerang".